Sunday, December 19, 2010

Week Ending December 19th - 100 Miles in Six Days

Having fun with the Springfield Harriers Master's team in Charlotte, NC
in the back Left to right,
Ed Parrot, Brent Coon, Ron Lombardi, Francis Burdett and Kent Lemme
This weekend capped a fun and challenging week of running. 104 miles for the week even with a 4 mile Monday.

Sure, it's a big jump from my 55-80 mile weekly norms during my non-marathon build-up months, but I do so with a very consistent amount of miles racked up over the past four years with few injuries and downtime. The mileage jump is tempered with a cutback on a hard workout or two, else the body would be tossed to the scrap heap by week's end. After all what good will all this hard work be worth anyhow if I'm out of commission for a couple days, or worse, afterwards?

And this is something I do around this time of each year so I have a clue what I can and can't handle. While so many of us are rushing around finishing up on those last minute items on Santa's list, I'm usually checking my own list, or my running log to be more precise. I like taking a look back at the year's accomplishments and setbacks, the good races and bad, inspecting the training that lead into those outcomes; looking for clues. I also like projecting the final year's mileage tally. That usually leads me to this; a couple of big mileage weeks before year's end for no other reason than to reach some number that looks good in the running logs.. and to have a little fun while at the same time get ready for next year's spring marathon build up. After some low months in Jan/Feb nursing a slightly injured IT-Band I'm coming in about 500 miles short of last years best 3,500 miles. 3,000 miles seems like a reachable number this year with one final push.

As luck would have it, the work schedule and with Barb and Brianna going to see family this weekend, things lined up perfectly to make the push to 3,000 the week to get it done. But Monday was a long day at work and I fell asleep with my daughter.

I woke just before the midnight hour. After only running 2 miles on Sunday due the Nationals after-party, the travel home and nursing a bad stomach, posting a zero tonight was not an option. A little self-prodding and I manage to get out of bed, make the walk downstairs and log 4 miles before resigning to the fact the what was need most right now is sleep, not more miles.

The mid week was spent logging the usual mileage on the treadmill. I up the miles on each run and add some doubles plus a couple of short spin sessions. Wednesday: a moderate progression run just to break up the boredom of steady state treadmill running. Nothing too hard; a 7:30 pace to start working steadily down each 1/4 mile to reach sub 6 min pace near the end. But the last mile hitting 5:48 pace was enough to force me to stop and  catch my breath. I don't do progression runs too often. I find it difficult to make the mid-run adjustment from a short stride more suited for fast jogging pace to a more elongated gait needed to move at paces closer to threshold levels efficiently. I end up compensating with a higher leg turnover that seems more taxing. A decent workout, the point was to sneak in a little quality and not worry so much about hitting a specific threshold level or pace. The spring marathon is a long way aways, for now.

Thursday a solo 18 miler at Ashley Reservoir. I was able to get out of work early and managed to get in a 5 big loops under daylight - a big help. Being out there in the dark, alone can be a hard mental grind. That left me in a good mood for sure.

Friday another solid double with 40 min of spinning. 62 miles down. Now all I needed was a 40 mile weekend to finish off the week.

This year Seth Roberts was putting on a 50k at Forest Park. I was on the fence the past couple weeks if I wanted to do it; or at least part of it. Use it as I way to get my miles in. But the $25 price tag to do a training run seemed ridiculous. Plus I doubted that once signed up, I would use good judgement and drop out if the legs where getting too beat up. So I jumped in the 10k. I wanted to get in some fast miles this week too - not do all 100 miles  slow.

The 10k went better than I thought it would considering the circumstances. I was out drinking with Mark Baillargeon the night before. Had 3 tall black & tans - not something I do on the eve of a race or hard workout. But it's rare I have the opportunity to get out on the weekend, so I couldn't resist. Still got to bed early and didn't feel too bad in the morn, but it was slow getting up and going just the same. Made it to the race about 15 minutes before. Had time for about a mile warmup and strides and off we went.

The race started of very, very slow. Good thing. I'm not one to jump into race pace on cold legs. It was a new guy, Steve Folsum, Carlos then myself out front at the start. Steve had never done a Snowstorm before and had no idea of the course route, almost made a wrong turn up the 5k loop. We went up the hill in a very conservative 6'30" pace, maybe slower. Carlos joined Steve about a 1/2 mile in. I was about 5 seconds back trying to establish a rhythm I could hold. That's how the 1st 3 miles went. Carlos and Steve running pretty much together at just over 6 min pace while I held steadily in arrears making up time from my lax pace by cutting sharper tangents then the two of them.

By the half way point we were about 30 seconds over 6 min pace. Carlos eased back some. He wasn't an official register so it seems he was only interested in a couple of tempo type miles. Carlos and I yelled out the turns as they approached in case Steve misses the flour arrows. Easy to do when you're running hard. Just before 4 miles Steve almost follows the 5k crossover through the Rose Garden. I yell out to him "keep straight". By that time I think he had enough of mis-guesses and eases back a little allowing me to close up to him. He tells me that he checked past results and did not expect to be leading the race. Knowing the course route didn't seem necessary. We run out the next mile together. 

As we run the Sumner Avenue stretch in front of the Park, all of a sudden, a most unpleasant reminder of last night's activities came to me. A sudden urge to ralph up black & tan. Man, I came real close to blowing chunks; got about half way up the larynx before I was a able to batten down the hatches. No way did I want to blow chunks in front of this guy. The pace felt rather reasonable so I would have felt like a clown if this would be my fate today... blowing a good chance at winning my first Snowstorm because of last night's debauchery. I mean, did I need to have three tall ones? It's aways the last "one more" that does you in. As bad as I was feeling - my legs were a little heavy from this week' mileage jump - however my breathing is not too labored and I seem to be holding up better the Steve. He clearly looks the stronger of the two of us but his breathing maybe a bit more taxed than mine. My fitness is saving my ass today.

Maybe Steve was resigned to race another day after a couple of chances to pull away were thwarted by several near wrong turns. Or perhaps I had just a little more in the tank at the end. But for whatever the reason I was slowly building up a gap over the final mile. By the time we reach the downhill I don't feel Steve behind me. My first win is within grasp as long as I don't have to put the hammer down, 'cause if I do, those Black & Tans are making an encore appearance. It won't be pretty.

So I do my best to keep a good steady pace to hold off any last minute attacks. In the end luck wold have it and a final kick won't be needed. My first Snowstorm win. 37:23 nothing spectacular but not a bad time for me. Ran the course again. Steve Forrest joined me for the 1st four miles. Slow at the beginning but on Steve's request a good final mile. Another 10 real easy with Mark Bailargeon later in the day at Ludlow Reservoir to put up a 24 miles on the day. Solid.

At the end of my cool down I saw Scott Leslie coming though on what I guess was his eigth of ten laps in the 50k. Sounds like Scott ran a steady 3 hour 20 minutes, a steady 6:28 pace the whole day. Whew. Even had I prepared for the 50k I'm not sure I would have been able to deliever much better than a 3:20 time and I'm sure Scott could have gone faster if he needed to. I've run a couple Stu's 30k when Scott was using them as 'training runs'; at sub 6 minute pace. Each time he zips by me on the long uphill at the 15k halfway point like I'm a jogging in place on his way to an impressive 3-4 minute negative split.

That night shared another too many brews with Joe Fois. This time getting out of bed was a bit harder. Managed to get out the door for my run around 2pm. Knocked out another easy paced 16 miles mostly around 7:40 pace finally working down to 7:15 pace by the last 5k or so. It was starting to get dark so instead of running down Rt 21 in the dark - something I'm not a big fan of - I add on a couple more miles on the treadmill instead.

And that's how I got to 104 miles for the week. Not something I think I could do week in and week out. Seems like all I did this week was run, work, eat and sleep. Other than that, felt like I got zero accomplished. But its fun to push the limits now and then. And the change-up in training keeps things fresh.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy holiday to you and your families...

Monday, December 13, 2010

2010 USATF XC Club National Championships

McAlpine Park, Charlotte, NC
Early leaders including Springfield Harrier Francis Burdett (381) 
Photo Credit: Susan Pearsall
This past Saturday, I traveled down to Charlotte, North Caralina with the Greater Springfield Harriers to bring the 2010 race season to a close.

Weekend temperatures in the 40's and 50's welcomed runners from all over the country. A most pleasant change from cold and windy temps in teens that New Englanders were being treated to even before we yet to reach the official start of winter.

Most of the Harriers women's and men's team, open, as well as master, team arriving on Thursday we had the opportunity to run a course preview on Friday. A mostly narrow, pancake flat almost entirely hard pack dirt with a firm grave mix here and there promised to yield some fast times come Saturday. One small climb no more than 600 meters that the men will ascend 3 times was the only thing to slow anyone down. The descent was more of a concern. A bit nasty but not impossible to navigate. Short with a couple steep drops around two bends. It will get it's due respect else you'll find yourself eating the bark of one the trees that closely lined the trail or maybe find yourself dropping off into the brush and marshes below. Ouch.

Overall my race went well. 36:20 83rd overall. I got beat by about 20 50+ year olds and one 60+ year old. Man is that humbling.

My race started with a smart 5:47 1st mile. I would have had to sprint the 1st 1/2 mile to get a much better position. It wasn't worth it. Think I was maybe 150th position at 1/2 mile ! On the plus side I steadily passed guys most of the way. More than a couple guys were taking it easy on the downhill. Many decided to go with road racing flats since the course was so flat and firm but I went with spikes and glad I did - the extra traction allowed me to bomb the downhill without (too much) fear. I ran a decent mile 2 and 3, passed another 20 or 30 runners, a good number on the uphill and downhill sections. On the 2nd loop I wasn't paying attention to time splits, and missed the mile 4 marker. When I finally reached mile 5 just over 29:30, my watched showed a 12:0x 2 mile split which I suspected was long. Still I over-estimated how much course was remaining. My legs still felt good and I finshed strnong but lacked the punch to really get the leg turning over in a higher gear to greatly improve my overall position.

I think I did a good job being patient, not wasting energy fighting for position. But maybe if I was more aggressive in miles 3-4 when there was plenty of room to move up, perhaps I would have got pulled along with some faster guys till the end. Maybe a mid 35 was possible. Ran a solid last climb and flew down the final descent bringing it home in a respectable clip. Afterwards felt like I had more left in the tank but how often have I said that before. I was running the final stretch as fast as I could but could not sprint up to the next guy. Then again its rare that I outkick anyone.
My kicks are powered by a diesel engine, slow to develop speed, but once there, I can roll for a while - for whatever that's worth.

My Splits: 5:47, 5;51, 5:49, 12:03, 6:53 for 1.2 ??? 36:20

USATF reported course was 6.29 miles... I suspect to work out the women 6k in two loops and the mens 10k 3 loop course while using a single finish time mat.

As a team a respectable 7th place for our masters team...

Afterwards we watched the men's open at the downhill. A couple guys almost bought it but everyone got thru without incident. One guy did make a really cool leap to go around the outside of a tree over the brush, safely landing a good 10 feet forward onto the trail again. Pretty cool. If that was me, they still be picking up the pieces. Some guy caught it on video.

video courtesy of David McCulloch

more photo's, coutersy Mike Scott
and Susan Persall  Susan Pearsall at SmugMug

Official Results, Photos, and Inteviews at the USATF site
that's all for now...

Team Scores 40+

Rank Team Total 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7 *8 *9
1 Compex Racing 40+ 50 1 2 5 19 23 26 62 69
Total Time: 2:46:40.50
Average: 33:20.10
2 Atlanta TC 40+ 57 4 11 12 14 16 18
Total Time: 2:47:49.10
Average: 33:33.82
3 Dirigo R.C. 40+ 147 10 15 35 40 47 73
Total Time: 2:51:26.70
Average: 34:17.34
4 Second Sole Rocky Riv 40+ 162 17 28 30 42 45 104 116
Total Time: 2:52:23.40
Average: 34:28.68
5 Club Northwest 40+ 170 9 24 33 48 56 68 75 110
Total Time: 2:52:11.10
Average: 34:26.22
6 Dave's RT 40+ 252 13 25 43 72 99 107 115 121
Total Time: 2:55:42.01
Average: 35:08.40
7 Greater Springfield 40+ 258 6 8 76 83 85 136 152
Total Time: 2:55:28.80
Average: 35:05.76

Men 40-44 10 km

Name Age Team Finals Points
Results - Men 40-44
1 Cushing-Murray, Christia 43 Compex Racing 40+ 32:47.8
2 Burke, Edmund 41 Pacers/Brook 33:03.8
3 Newton, Chad 41 Atlanta TC 40+ 33:07.8 1
4 Mavhera, Gray 41 Compex Racing 40+ 33:12.0
5 Falcone, Richard 40 Charlotte RC 40+ 33:17.5
6 Lemme, Kent 44 Greater Spri 33:19.0
7 Whiteside, Everett 40 Florida Trac 33:25.6
8 Alvarez, Valentin 41 Atlanta TC 40+ 33:35.2 2
9 Stabb, Eric 42 Atlanta TC 40+ 33:36.0 3
10 Altwies, Ed 43 Dave's Racin 33:38.4 4
58 Landry, Robert 42 Greater Spri 36:20.9
59 Parrot, Edward 40 Greater Spri 36:25.2

Men 45-49 10 km
Name Age Team Finals Points
Results - Men 45-49
1 Magill, Peter 49 Compex Racing 40+ 32:36.0 1
2 Livingston, Mike 45 Asics Aggie RC 40+ 32:52.2
3 Burdett, Francis 45 Greater Spri 33:16.5
4 Young, Tony 48 Club Northwest 40+ 33:19.7 2
5 Payson, Michael 47 Dirigo R.C. 40+ 33:32.0
6 Ambos, Jeff 49 Compex Racing 40+ 33:56.0 3
7 Derick, James 45 Genesee Valley 40+ 34:01.6 4
8 Kartalia, Steve 45 Balt/Wash AC 40+ 34:04.0
9 Ernst, Ken 49 Compex Racing 40+ 34:08.7 5
30 Lombardi, Ron 46 Greater Spri 36:07.2
67 Coon, Brent 45 Greater Spri 41:23.9

Sunday, November 28, 2010

32nd Talking Turkey 6 Mile Cross-Country Race

Saturday, November, 27

Another Thanksgiving has come and past. And another Talking Turkey race is in the books. I've run this race each year since 2006. I had to sit out in 2005 due to a hamstring that I strung at the Monson Half Marathon a couple weeks before. I got a whole new perspective on races helping out with the finish chute. Ripping the tags off hundreds and hundreds runners was almost as exhausting as running the race itself. It left me with a lasting appreciation of what it takes to put on race. It's something all runners should do, at least once, help plan, prepare and time a race. If they do, they might find themselves not so quick lay out criticism. Anyways, standing in that chute that year I was able to catch with my own eye Nate Jenkins take down Paul Low's course record by a full minute. That record since taken down by South Hadley's Zac Hine last year on a brutally windy day. The wind today was again unpleasant but nothing like last year. Even with a steady and strong winds, temperatures were rather acceptable at race time.

It was an up and down week for me. There have been a mix of warm days and cold days this week and my body could not adjust. I was fighting to keep a cold at bay all week while trying to get in one more solid mileage week before taking it down for Nationals. I was using doubles to get in the miles which with dictates a lot of late night treadmill runs with my work and family schedule. That puts a strain on my sleep schedule and oft I feel tired and on the verge of catching something. That Is why I tend to get my mileage in using singles as much as possible. At times doubles seem to inefficient a use of precious time and energy. But every now and then you got to ratchet it up a notch if you want to get better. And I do want to get better.

There's been an unfavorable trend for me at this race that I would like to reverse. 2006 was something of a breakthrough year and the fall race season which was topped off with a solid 33:40 5:37 paced effort. Each year since has gotten slower and slower: 33:52, 33:58, 34:33. Hard to explain. I have continued to work hard, stayed healthy and overall feel stronger and more fit than ever. Yet in some of these races that I've done each year, my times haven't come done much at all. Hard to explain. Harder still to not go crazy. To not do something stupid like have a knee jerk reaction, start over-training and get hurt or lose motivation and give up.

But I don't. For better or worse I seem to keep pretty level headed about these things. After all it's not the end of the world. I never had delusions of becoming a great runner - just better than average. I think I've done that. I had my fair share of success. None of it has come without it's due amount of dedication and hard work. As of much importance, if not more, I enjoyed the work as much as any given result. For sure the day after day day training can be tiring, laborious, and at times seem all too self consuming, all too self absorbing an endeavor for a 40 something year old husband and father.

It's getting late. I'll have to wrap it up for now and finish this topic later.

For now the short and skinny on the race is a somewhat disappointing result. Of course there's a couple good and valid reason for a weak performance this week. First time I hit 80 miles a week since January and not feeling 100% to name a few. Still I'm in good shape right now and should have been able to extract something better than 5:47 pace over just six miles.

I went through the first mile relaxed and in a position I thought wasn't to far back. While I knew I wasn't nailing a sub 5'30" first mile I was taken aback when I heard 5:50, 5:51 being shouted out. I guess the good thing was that while it was a very slow opening mile I wasn't hurting in the least. I felt very comfortable. Perhaps too comfortable. The one positive here was that I didn't give up on the race after such a slow start. The next couple miles i ran fairly well and mad up some ground. But the intensity wasn't there today and I didn't close down enough and the up front guys to turn it into a race today. Instead it felt more like a hard tempo run. Not more to say really about today's race.

Up next is the Hot Chocolate 5k on Sunday in Northampton, Mass. Hopefully I can work on getting my race intensity back.

Splits 5:54, 11:37 (5:42), 17:15 (5:39), 23:09 (5:54), 28:59 (5:50), 34:45 (5:46)

Holyoke, MA
Saturday, November 27, 2010 1:00PM

Place Name Bib# S Div/Tot Ag City St Time Pace
===== ======================= ===== = ======== == ================== == ============
1 DAVID JOHNSON 33 M 1/87 22 LUDLOW MA 29:49 4:59
3 JASON AYER 4 M 2/87 23 SOMMERVILLE MA 30:21 5:04
4 ERIK NEDEAU 19 M 1/133 39 BELCHERTOWN MA 30:46 5:08
5 ANDREW MULVANEY 6 M 3/87 22 SOUTH HADLEY MA 31:27 5:15
6 KENT LEMME 8 M 1/191 44 WILLIAMSTOWN MA 31:31 5:16
7 JOSEPH CZUPRYNA 13 M 4/87 24 CHICOPEE MA 31:57 5:20
8 MICHAEL BROUILLETTE 10 M 2/133 32 HOLYOKE MA 32:29 5:25
9 THOMAS O'GRADY 1167 M 5/87 25 LATHAM NY 32:43 5:28
10 ZAC FLORENCE 1274 M 1/32 18 EAST LONGMEADOW MA 33:06 5:31
11 ETHAN NEDEAU 37 M 3/133 37 AMHERST MA 33:09 5:32
12 BRIAN MCCORMICK 906 M 6/87 20 WILBRAHAM MA 33:25 5:35
13 TIM MAHONEY 11 M 4/133 31 HOLYOKE MA 33:27 5:35
14 BRENDAN KANE 106 M 7/87 20 EAST LONGMEADOW MA 33:41 5:37
15 MYLES MCCARTHY 904 M 8/87 20 SOUTHAMPTON MA 33:42 5:37
16 EDWARD PARROT 690 M 2/191 40 AMHERST MA 33:59 5:40
17 AARON STONE 1131 M 9/87 27 GREENFIELD MA 34:04 5:41
18 PETER FRATINI 226 M 3/191 45 WESTFIELD MA 34:30 5:45
19 JEFFREY HAYES 1057 M 10/87 25 ARLINGTON MA 34:37 5:47
20 ROBERT LANDRY 1074 M 4/191 42 LUDLOW MA 34:46 5:48

Friday, November 19, 2010

“To all Masters Runners desperately hanging on to the dream... Good luck at your Turkey Trots!!!”

That tongue-in-cheek jab kicked off an entertaining and often humorous thread on the popular message board a year ago. Of the many post was this gem:
“Hard to resist the Turkey Trot bait here. I'll be running my 47th in a row Thursday. I won't attempt to describe how these streaks get under one's skin, but they certainly do. I can relate to most of the original poster's observations. I'll add that I run the second, uphill mile 75 seconds slower than the first mile (pitiful, in other words) and that I regularly get passed by h.s. boys wearing grass skirts.

Still, I wouldn't trade this day for any other in the year. I've been running long enough that I've stopped apologizing about it. It's not the only thing that I am, but it's a big part of who I am, and I'm okay with that. I'd rather be slow, graying me than a lot of other people and a lot of other things.

The Why Race? question is interesting. It's not required after all. I can be a runner without being a racer. My wife is always advising me to be "more moderate in all things." And she's smart, this is good advice.

But you know what? A person can get too much of this moderate stuff. Who wants to live a life that's always safe, controlled, aiming for the middle path?

Every once in a while I still want to feel the burn. To push to the limit. To be near collapse when I cross the finish line. Sure, I already know the result: It will be shown that I'm older and slower than I was yesterday and the day before that. I don't need a race to tell me these things.

But a race says I'm not ready to surrender. It says I'm going to keep struggling to squeeze all I can out of this life. It says I'm not checking out of here until I've given it my all. Yes, I know I'm gonna die some day.

But I have a good feeling about tomorrow's race”

- Amby Burfoot
Chief Editor, Runners World
’68 Boston Marathon Champion
and nine time Manchester Road Race Champion, held each Thanksgiving Day

Posted on 11/25/2009

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monson Memorial Classic, Half Marathon

The hills of Monson, Mass came a'callin once again for all runners of the mindset that a great race course is not a pancake flat time trial but rather something of substance. Any adequately trained runner that has raced here will tell you this course is challenging but equally as fair. Anyone from the locale could attest that, while the 13.1 miles laid out is far from easy, it wouldn't have taken much effort or imagination to carve out something particularly more nasty. Wales Road, Monson Rd, Hovey Hill Rd and Stagecoach Lake Dr (just off-route) all readily come to mind with the kind of grades that can easily turn the quads to lead. And the fleetest of feet, well... glue them right to the pavement.

Today was my re-education on how to record the shortest time between two distances on such a course. It's not about laying out self-punishing, near-intolerable amounts of effort up every hill, but rather taking a Newton'esque conservation of energy and preservation of momentum approach.

This was my sixth running of this race and the only race I have done in every year since I started running back in 2005. In previous years I have relied on my ever building database of race splits and training logs to formulate a goal time and mile splits. This year a different approach. After a coming up short of expectations here at the Monson Half the past couple years and at last week's Franklin Park Cross Country race, I decide to abandon a rigid set of scheduled mile splits. Instead I will rely more on experience to dictate how just how hard and how much I'll be able to push myself.

There's some serious cash prizes - as road races go - for the top 5 male/female spots - $575 down to $75 plus repeat winners and course record bonuses. Plus $75 class for age group winners. That always brings a least a half dozen top guns from Boston and the some second-tier Kenyans from New York region each year. For that same reason, along with a bit steep $50 race day registration price tag, some local top dogs often will not be here - aware that to be 'in the money', as they say, will take a ridiculously fast time for a race this size. So despite weather that was a close to picture perfect for a mid November day turn out was a bit lower than normal. The sun was shinning a with a light and variable cool breeze keeping temps in the low 50's at most.

A couple of familiar faces are missing at the start line. I'm trying to anticipate what there will be for 2nd and 3rd tier groups after the elites jet off. The race starts and my fears of a 13 mile solo effort are quickly put to bed. I have a least a couple of runners close to my pace. Two Kenyans pass me before I reach the 1st mile marker in a comfortable 6:19 first mile. One of them for sure is in my 40 plus age group. My suspicion that it's Titus Mutinda is confirmed afterwards. Titus is a top caliber runner. A 6 min pace, easy by his standards, I suspect has little to do with that fact that he has run a couple marathons already this fall. More likely, he too, knows the score. Present today are two more Kenyans we are unfortunate enough to have in our Masters' age group and perhaps today he isn't feeling up to battle with. It appears Titus is going to run with this friend perhaps, pick-up a $75 check and get a good tempo workout in at the same time. Unless he's hurting I won't challenge him today. The top Master's age group money is claimed.

I settle in and focus on the other guy. He isn't running as well. It's cool but still warm and the serious runners are in a race singlet only. No gloves. No hat. This guy's wearing a heavier long sleeve tech short and not paying close mind to running the tangents sharply. He either isn't of the same caliber as Titus or simply isn't interested in running hard today, for whatever the reason. He's working harder than one should for the early miles and trying to keep pace with Titus. By the time we reach mile 3, the two are no longer running together.

Titus caught up to another runner about 30 seconds further ahead while this guy has stayed the same 15 seconds in advance that he had for the last mile. I feel good about my chances of closing down on him by day's end. I'm running relaxed and in my comfort zone. The miles are not clicking away as fast as in year's past but I'm sticking to my plan - no getting bent out of shape after each mile if I don't like the report my watch is giving me.

By mile 4 where the downhill and uphills become a little more severe I find a decent gear. I focus on not wasting energy going uphill hard only to be forced into letting off the throttle on the downside. Despite, or maybe because of, an even-keeled moderated effort on the climbs I'm making progress on the next guy. By the end of mile 4 I have him. My watch reports a 5:53 mile, but I suspect a misplaced mile marker. The 6:3ish next mile further suggest that's the case. There's a lot of disparity in the terrain, but my effort in relation to the grade changes is even.

I turn my focus on Titus and the other runner he joined up with. They are keeping the pace up. I close down a little here and there when I get the better side the the downhill / uphill equation, but lose it when it turns out of my favor. After a mile six downhill then slight incline, I hear the footsteps and breathing of someone closing in. I don't bother to turn around to inspect whether it's the return of the guy I past last, or a new runner. I never do. I figure he'll either pass me right away or sit on me for a while. If he passes, I'll to deal with him then. If he decides to sit on a while then I'll either fall back and force him to pace set awhile to size him up, or I'll put in an effort to drop him. Either way I'm not looking back. Why give him any indication that I'm worried about him?

I move thru mile 7 with purpose, but ease. A combination of knowing some one's on my tail combined with the fact that the last section of hard uphill has past has put a pep in my stride. I'm finding a groove that I have not had all day. I feeling that felling... a fluid, easy stride, a sensation of being propelled forward, a welcome lift in your feet when you feel to be floating over an even and sure footed slightest of upgrade after miles of hard up and downs. That little pace pickup was all the was needed to chase off whoever that was right on my tail.

Before the sharp left before mile 8, I'm able to see the two runners up ahead and they still are forward about 30 seconds. I'll have my work cut out for me if I'm going to catch them. That quick and fluid turnover I had just a mile ago has left me, if just a bit. I'm pressing to run through the last of the false flats and dips of mile 8 trying not to lose contact with the one runner up ahead - now that Titus has broke free. I clock in at just under 6 min pace which is a good indication that I'm holding up well and not going as slow as it seems. I ready myself for the next mile of harsh downhill. I move through it as best as I could. I'm not floating along as quick as I would like but manage to keep contact with the guy up ahead. Course knowledge helps as I efficiently navigate around the steep descent and sharp right hand turn that completes this five mile loop before it heads back towards the main Rt 32.

The quick decent and turn leaves gets me within maybe 20 seconds of that guy. Titus is out of sight. I was taken by surprise to pass someone I didn't see before. I zoom by him at a water stop as he pulls off for a drink. A casualty of the hills and a quick early pace.  

A quick descent and railroad bridge crossing, and we reach Rt 32 for the final 5k. It's a fast, mostly gradual downhill or flat stretch to the finish. Titus is visible only on the longer of straight aways. Not that it's of much concern. I'm sure if I was to get close enough to threaten his paycheck, he would take off with ease.
So I put my effort into putting time into the next guy. However I just can't get the gap down. I would make some progress briefly than he would pick it up. Over the last mile I advance by maybe 10 seconds. In the final mile I'm getting the feeling it may happen. But that was as close as it would get. I clock a 6:07 for the the final 1.1 miles - a respectable 5:30 pace but not enough to make it an interesting contest for the 9th spot. But it was a pleasant surprise to see the finish clock ticking 1:19 as I wrapped up the day. I was expecting to finish in the 1:20x range with all those 6:20-6:30 uphills miles. Goes to show that with a little patience and perseverance it's possible to run a decent time.

Monson Memorial Classic Half-Marathon
Sunday, November 14, 2010, Monson, MA USATF Certified #MA98031RN
Timing and Scoring by: ACCU-SPEC (413) 467-7354
Place Name No. Age Div/Tot Div City St Time Pace
===== ===================== ===== === ======== ===== =============== == ======= =====
1 MATHEW KIPLAGAT 262 28 1/25 M2029 NEW ROCHELLE NY 1:07:38 5:10
2 CHASE PIZZONIA 172 24 2/25 M2029 BRONX NY 1:11:19 5:27
3 ERIC BLAKE 263 31 1/50 M3039 NEW BRITAIN CT 1:11:25 5:28
4 JOSEPH KOECH 311 41 1/54 M4049 SOUTH CHELMSFOR MA 1:12:00 5:30
5 JOSEPH EKUOM 310 40 2/54 M4049 HIGH FALLS NY 1:13:41 5:38
6 BENJAMIN NOAYA 307 34 2/50 M3039 SOUTH CHELMSFOR MA 1:13:54 5:39
7 THOMAS O'GRADY 161 25 3/25 M2029 LATHAM NY 1:15:47 5:48
8 TITUS MUTINDA 318 45 3/54 M4049 LOWELL MA 1:18:32 6:00
9 MATTHEW BACH 143 23 4/25 M2029 JERSEY CITY NJ 1:19:00 6:02
10 ROBERT LANDRY 168 42 4/54 M4049 LUDLOW MA 1:19:11 6:03
11 DAVID NDUNGU 319 31 3/50 M3039 WORCESTER MA 1:20:46 6:10
12 TOM DAVIS 315 23 5/25 M2029 NEWTON MA 1:21:29 6:14
13 RAYMOND HOULE 124 44 5/54 M4049 SOUTHINGTON CT 1:23:50 6:24
14 EILEEN COMBS 246 32 1/43 F3039 SCHENECTADY NY 1:24:19 6:27
15 DOUG THEROUX 67 49 6/54 M4049 HOLYOKE MA 1:24:27 6:27
16 MICHAEL MERTENS 72 46 7/54 M4049 FARMINGTON NY 1:24:57 6:30
17 BRIAN DEBRACCIO 105 44 8/54 M4049 SCOTIA NY 1:25:59 6:34
18 CLAUDIA CARMARGO 257 32 2/43 F3039 HOPEWELL JNC. NY 1:26:49 6:38
19 MARK STAPLES 92 41 9/54 M4049 HOLYOKE MA 1:27:31 6:41
20 DONALD BURKE 27 54 1/31 M5059 MANSFIELD MA 1:28:05 6:44
21 KARI GATHEN 266 42 1/33 F4049 ALBANY NY 1:29:04 6:48
22 MICHAEL LESCARBEAU 191 39 4/50 M3039 AGAWAM MA 1:29:17 6:49
23 STEVE FORREST 154 46 10/54 M4049 BELCHERTOWN MA 1:29:35 6:51
24 MACKENZIE GRAY 241 20 6/25 M2029 HOLYOKE MA 1:30:49 6:56
25 DENNIS BARONE 249 55 2/31 M5059 WEST HARTFORD CT 1:31:07 6:58
26 WILLIAM WHEELER 188 30 5/50 M3039 BELCHERTOWN MA 1:31:38 7:00
27 MATTHEW HOOD 127 22 7/25 M2029 SPRINGFIELD MA 1:31:41 7:00
28 BRIAN JOHNSON 277 43 11/54 M4049 FLORENCE MA 1:32:31 7:04
29 JEREMY SEYMOUR 176 29 8/25 M2029 EAST LONGMEADOW MA 1:32:44 7:05
30 JASON DOMINICK 150 39 6/50 M3039 WILBRAHAM MA 1:32:57 7:06

My Splits:
6:19, 12:29 (6:10), 18:44 (6:15), 24:38 (5:53), 31:14 (6:36),
37:35 (6:21), 44:05 (6:30), 50:03 (5:58), 55:30 (5:27), 1:01:18 (5:48),
1:07:17 (5:59), 1:13:03 (5:47), 1:18:34 (5:31), 1:19:10 (36)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

New England Cross Country Regional

2010 New England Cross Regional Championship
Start Masters 8k Race
Franklin Park, Boston, MA
  Sunday Nov 7 - New England Regional Cross Championship - My 2nd foray into the Cross Country racing, at least at a competitive team event. My first visit to Franklin Park. I wasn't sure how today would go. My training post marathon has been going good and I'm feeling a bit positive not just in my overall fitness but my stride feels a bit more fluid lately.  

29:05 32nd Overall - not a good result at all. Perhaps a bit of marathon still in my legs but more likely just the lack of high end aerobic strength workouts doing the marathon specific training, taper and recovery. Overall fitness is right. I feel I can run at the 80% level for hours but that is of little use in an 8k Cross race.

It was a cool and blustery start to the day but once we got going things were good. I felt I didn't get a long enough warm up to get my legs loose and warmed up, but honestly, I don't think I could have fared much better today. I felt good through the couple of the early flat straight stretches when I could get my stride down and establish a running rhytmn. I was slowly moving up a couple positions here and there. But with every misplaced footstep, sharp turn or change in pace that so often occurs in cross country, I fell back and my confidence took a hit. I couldn't make the necessary gear changes to keep moving forward with the group that included fellow Harriers, Ed Parrot and Peter Fratini. There was simply no drive in my legs and that first mile seemed to take forever. When I saw the clock tick over at 5:28,
Before 1 Mile - Me leading a small group
Right behind is newest Harrier, Ed Parrot,
Brian Ruhm checking out the peeps
"doomed to run together once again" he quipped 
and fellow Greater Spfld Harrier,  Peter Frantini
knowing how I was feeling at that moment, it was going to be a long, long, long 4 miles to the finish.

Just one of those days that I've gone through before. One weekend I'm in a groove spiting-out 6 minute miles. The next week a single 5:30 opening mile can tax me beyond comprehension and I'll spend the remainder of the race barely able to pick up my lethargic, helpless legs.

Im' not sure what makes me feel worse. The fact that I just ran what might be short of 8k at 5:52 pace feeling like crap most of the way, when at the Baystate Marathon, I ran the first 10 miles breezing along at 5:58 pace. Or the fact that over a month ago I ran the Ashley 8k as a tempo workout in a somewhat comfortable sub 29. I'm a much better road distance runner and Baystate is a fast course, so sure, not exactly comparing apples to apples. The Ashley 8k isn't technical in the least or has the multiple climb up the trap rock at Bear Cage, but the loose feel of cinder and gravel around Ashley Reservoir can be a slow grind - deceivingly taxing on the quads and hamstrings. Again a different race and coming in with different expectations and training. But in hindsight, had I'd a better picture of what I was capable, or incapable, of doing today, I would have fared much better starting off slowly and picking up runners in the last couple of miles. Instead I suffered, grinding through the better part of the race wondering what the hell am I doing.

We did good as a team but failed to three-peat as Master Champs despite a repeat 1-2 finish by Francis Burdett and Kent Lemme. Today the dynamic duo swapped their 1-2 showing from last year. Mike Nahom absence and his 4th place finish from last year was the differential. A solid showing by Ron Lombari, new addition Ed Parrot (actually a returnee to the area) and Peter Fratini rounded off the top 5 Harrier scorers. I, for the first time since joining the Harriers, failed to score on the Master's squad. Even had I run a sub 28 8k today as I thought I could, it would not have been enough to wrestle 1st place from a talented and deep Dirigo club.

I could go on and on complaining about how bad today went and how at times I wonder if I'm ever gonna make progress towards being an upper tier runner, but that's enough. Anymore is a waste of time and energy. I'm happy with my training and believe I'm doing the right things to get where I want to be. A knee-jerk reaction to a bad race or two is not a productive use of my energies. Nationals are five weeks away and that's plenty of time to prepare. There's some good races between now and then to whip myself into race shape. Be Positive. Stay the course. Keep the faith.

USA Track & Field New England (USATF-NE) The photos in the Picasa album are courtesy of Henry Finch of CSU.
Another great set of pics from @Scott Mason.

2010 USATF New England Open and Masters - 11/7/2010

Franklin Park, Boston

Men 40-99 8k Run CC masters men
Name Age Team Finals Points
1 #233 Francis Burdett 45 Greater Springfi 26:27 1
2 #238 Kent Lemme 44 Greater Springfi 26:30 2
3 #434 Joseph Navas 40 Whirlaway Ra 26:42
4 #180 Michael Payson 47 Dirigo RC 26:48 3
5 #172 Byrne Decker 43 Dirigo RC 26:49 4
6 #246 Josh Brown 41 Green Mountain AA 26:57 5
7 #124 Wayne Levy 45 Boston Athletic 26:58
8 #165 Greg Putnam 41 Central Mass Str 27:00
9 #272 Jason Cakouros 45 Hfc Striders 27:08 6
10 #169 Pete Bottomley 49 Dirigo RC 27:10 7
15 #239 Ron Lombardi 46 Greater Springfi 27:41 12
28 #241 Edward Parrot 40 Greater Springfi 28:38 21
31 #236 Peter Fratini 45 Greater Springfi 29:00 24
32 #237 Robert Landry 42 Greater Springfi 29:06 25

Team Scores
Rank Team Total 1 2 3 4 5 *6 *7
1 Dirigo RC 43 3 4 7 13 16 19 37
Total Time: 2:16:32.00
Average: 27:18.40

2 Greater Springfield Harri 60 1 2 12 21 24 25
Total Time: 2:18:16.00
Average: 27:39.20

3 Green Mountain AA 67 5 8 14 17 23 28 29
Total Time: 2:19:00.00
Average: 27:48.00

Monday, October 18, 2010

2010 Baystate Marathon

October 17, 2010

Early on around mile 5,
Mike Tarratino leading, myself, John Chesto. George Adams in back
For the third year, Lowell, Mass played host for the New England Track and Field Association's Grand Prix finale. Like the previous two years, New England weather was promising to wreak havoc on marathon hopefuls. I witnessed some of the worse conditions I ever had the displeasure to run in last year. Low 40s to start. A wet mixture of rain and snow, in the mid 30's to finish. Those that stuck around for some post race festivities had a couple inches of white stuff to clear off the car before the drive home. I swore then and there to never return.

The Weather Channel has been tracking a classic Nor'Easter slowly crawling it's way up the East Coast. Mid-week forecasts are looking dire, and more dire, as Sunday draws near. I refuse to hold any hope of better fortune this year. Halloween is only two weeks away, after all. Perhaps this race is cursed. Or maybe I was just focused on running the best I could, without regard to a specific goal time or PR to best. But for whatever the reason I'm fine with any crappy weather we may get. Besides everyone will race under the same conditions. My only goal is to place as high as I can in the Masters age group and help our team scoring which looks promising with Matt Helm, Mike Broulliette and myself. Hopefully I can do my part and we will crack the top 3 in the open team division.

This summer has been a mixed bag of results. I nearly PR at Beach 2 Beacon 10k in 34:53 when I wasn't expecting much of a result. The next week was a total flop at Falmouth. I was not able to hold 6 min pace for more than 3 miles. Overall training hasn't gone that bad. I've pretty much accepted the summer is too busy a time to log the 80+ mile weeks needed to nail a marathon PR. So this year the plan was to get in plenty of races and a decent number long slow runs with some track and tempo work when I can. Final track workouts were very, very disappointing but the tempo/races felt good for the level of effort I was laying out.

For this Baystate the goal was to shoot for a top 5, maybe top 3 spot in the masters group. I knew that would be a tall order considering the competition but I was feeling good enough about my fitness to at least give it a shot. I figure it would take just under 6 minute pace to break into the top 5.

Unlike last year when I didn't give myself enough time to get there and the stress of all that left my stomach in knots, this year I arrived in plenty o' time. I got in all the stretching, bathroom and pre race rituals I needed to give myself a fair chance of running well today.

8am draws near and the weather is looking superb for running. Mid 40s'. Some wind but a near homerun as weather goes. The start line is unreasonably packed tight upfront. The usual pre-race announcement before something unusual. The National Anthem cancelled due to technical difficulties? A couple brave souls ring out the opening verses and everyone joins in. Pretty cool.

I line up only about 3 deep - exactly where I should be for my starting pace. Of course, just in front of me, someone that had no business being lined near the front is camped out. I usually take note of the people I line up behind just for that reason. Sometimes appearances can be deceiving. A 5 year-old kid, a 70 year-old women, or some chick with about 3 gallons of lord knows what kinda of fluids strapped onto a fuel belt are good warning signs. This guy looks to be somewhat normal but as the gun goes off he literally walks out the first couple steps before throwing up his hands in protest like "Hey!, Hey!, Hey! What's going on!!! Why everyone's in such a rush?"

Any whose and any how's, an amusing start to the day. I find a decent groove right out the gate - lay out a perfect six point zero first mile. I'm just trying to assess where other Master group runners are. Titus Mutinda and Joseph Koech (the later I learned after the race had switched over to the half) were two I considered no chance of beating. I can only hold out hope that they race themselves out the top 5 going out too fast with the top young guns. It happens. As usual the early pace of those top guys is beyond me and I can't even calculate precisely how many 40+ guys may have escaped. But immediataly up ahead, within my vision, I spy very few possible 40+ guys. Dan Verrington with his trademark goatee is a easy ID. He is only seconds up ahead in a small group.

As it should be, not much happens for the first couple miles. Once the half marathon and full marathon split up things start to take shape. I find myself in a well forming pack of about six clicking off just a hair under 6 minute pace. We were picking up a few, dropping a few, and passing a couple holding together tightly in a group of maybe six.

At about four miles we are joined by Brian Ruhm, I believe. Brian (at least I hope I got the name right) says Hi. He mentions he checked out my race report on last year Baystate and asked what today's goal was. Funny because last year at this almost exact point in the race, Brian pulled up along me and asked that very exact question. Deja'vu all over again.

I get a little lift from Brian's words. Not because someone actually recognized me as a possible age group contender, but because someone might actually be reading this freaking blog! Never the one for much conversing during a race, I retort a quick "Thanks" and respond to his 2:40 pace inquiry with a "Nope. I hope a bit faster! It's time to close down the next group"

With that I get to the front and start moving our group up to Verrington's.
I was holding steady and even with a core set of now 4 or 5 runners. One I recognize from other races is George Adams. George more resembles a rugby player than your typical rail thin runner. But race him just once and you won't be fooled again by his rugged maybe 180 lb. frame. This guy can flat out run - and not just the short fast stuff. Runs about 74 minutes for the half up in Swanzey, NH - and that's no pancake flat course. The group is headed up by George is two other runners, that I don't know. They are intent on keeping this group clicking off at sub 2:36 pace. I do my best to take some turns up front breaking the wind keeping the pace up.
Tim Cataggio leading early around mile 10,
myself, then Mike Tarratino
Photo: Krisky / Smug Mug

The wind is not terrible but it does seem a factor. As each of us pulls off the front and tucks behind, the effort put forth is subtle but apparent to the watchful eye. We all seem to be mutually benefiting from our collective effort. We are not mowing down runners in front of us but we are making steady progress. It's also very early in the race. Many miles to go.

We go thru 5 miles in about 29:45 and then ten miles in 59:35. It was at this point last year where I had to pull off and take care off business behind a tree. And with that, last year's race was over. I make sure to take note of that point and draw some motivation knowing there won't be a repeat performance of that this year. Right around 10 miles I see Mike Brouillette in a shuffle. Actually more like slow hobbling gimp. I shout out some encouragement for my teammate but it's apparent my words will be strictly consolatory. An injured hip has left Mike with no choice but to DNF. With Mike gone and Carlos Rivera, who I have not heard close behind since the start, our shot at a top 3 in the open team has gone up in smoke.

The group has strung out like a single file - about 6 deep clicking off nice even splits with one or two runners swapping up and back in the front keeping the pace. We hit the half in 1:18:15. I'm feeling good and up in the front of the pack as we cross the bridge. As we make our way to close out the second bridged loop, the pack is changing somewhat in composition. John Chesto, who I seen in races before and get his due share of mentions in New England Runner, has joined us and is adding words of encouragement to keep the pace going strong.

The group has whittled down to just George, John and myself by 17 miles but  I'm starting to fade. The wind wasn't too bad, much better than prior years, but it was enough to make a difference for me. Fatigue was setting in. I couldn't make my way to the front to pace anymore and was just hanging on behind George and John.

I work to stay on them thru 20 miles in just under 2 hours but then a gap grows and from there I slip into 6:15, then 6:30 pace when we merge with the 1/2 marathon jog/walkers. George and John break free and are out of sight.

Around mile 21, starting to fall off pace from Chesto
I didn't totally blow up but I couldn't keep a full stride going anymore. I got re-passed by about 4 guys, including Brian - all in the last 4 miles. Physically I was close to spent but I'm pretty sure I could have pressed just a bit more and squeezed out a 2:39. A bit more mentally beaten down, than physical.

Still, overall, I'm very happy with the result. A step in the right direction. Think I got another 2:36 in me next year.

Feel decent enough now - some blisters and Achilles are a bit sore, but normal for running that long in racing flats.

Photos: krissyk / smugmug

My Splits:
5:59  5:54    11:56 5:55    5 miles 29:44
12:01     5:56     11:54   10 miles 59:35
5:58 6:02 6:01 6:03 6:01   15 miles 1:29:40, 1:18:15 Half
6:02 6:01 6:01 6:02 6:07   20 miles 1:59:54
6:15 6:25 6:30 6:38 6:33   25 miles 2:32:14
6:39 1:37                           2:40:19

Place Div/Tot Name No. Ag Club City St Time Net Time Pace
===== ======== ==================== ===== == ====================
1 1/183 PATRICK MOULTON 2260 28 BOSTON ATHLETIC ASSO PROVIDENCE RI 2:24:41 2:24:38.2* 5:32
2 1/285 TERRY SHEA JR 21 36 BOSTON ATHLETIC ASSO CAMBRIDGE MA 2:24:44 2:24:42.6* 5:32
3 2/183 BRANDON NEWBOULD 2240 29 WHIRLAWAY DOVER NH 2:25:05 2:25:03.1* 5:33
4 3/183 MATT HELM 219 24 GREATER SPRINGFIELD LONGMEADOW MA 2:26:17 2:26:13.9* 5:35
5 2/285 RYAN CARRARA 284 34 NEW BALANCE BOSTON HUDSON MA 2:27:11 2:27:07.7* 5:37
6 4/183 ANDY MCCARRON 71 27 CENTRAL MASS STRIDER KEENE NH 2:27:26 2:27:22.9* 5:38
7 3/285 JIM JOHNSON 66 33 CENTRAL MASS STRIDER SALEM NH 2:27:36 2:27:33.7* 5:38
8 4/285 JEFF SCOVILL 1898 36 MINNEAPOLIS MN 2:28:02 2:27:58.1* 5:39
9 5/183 SCOTT LESLIE 68 29 CENTRAL MASS STRIDER RUTLAND MA 2:28:16 2:28:13.4* 5:40
10 5/285 DANIEL MCCUE 1521 33 CAMBRIDGE MA 2:28:34 2:28:30.6* 5:41
11 6/183 DAVID NASH 1625 29 JERSEY CITY NJ 2:29:50 2:29:46.4* 5:43
12 7/183 TOM DEEG 2242 29 WHIRLAWAY EASTHAM MA 2:30:10 2:30:08.2* 5:44
13 8/183 TIMOTHY CATOGGIO 357 25 TEAM RUN SOUTH_BOSTON MA 2:32:54 2:32:51.6* 5:51
14 1/310 JASON PORTER 2246 40 WHIRLAWAY BEDFORD NH 2:33:44 2:33:41.5* 5:52
15 2/310 TITUS MUTINDA 358 45 TEAM RUN LOWELL MA 2:34:07 2:34:05.6* 5:53
16 6/285 MARK HUDSON 2239 33 WHIRLAWAY READING MA 2:34:19 2:34:17.3* 5:54
17 7/285 GREG HAMMETT 62 33 CENTRAL MASS STRIDER CHESTERFIELD NH 2:34:34 2:34:31.4* 5:54
18 8/285 JEFF EDMONDS 896 33 NASHVILLE TN 2:35:58 2:35:54.2* 5:58
19 3/310 MARK GIBSON 2243 43 WHIRLAWAY DURHAM NH 2:36:19 2:36:16.6* 5:58
20 4/310 GEORGE ADAMS 49 40 CENTRAL MASS STRIDER GILSUM NH 2:37:24 2:37:20.2* 6:01
21 9/285 RICK BRANDT 14 35 BOSTON ATHLETIC ASSO SALEM MA 2:37:58 2:37:54.4* 6:02
22 5/310 JOE DONNELLY 113 42 GCS - TRIAD RACING T DRACUT MA 2:37:59 2:37:56.3* 6:02
23 10/285 JON CHESTO 167 39 GREATER BOSTON TRACK SOUTH_BOSTON MA 2:38:24 2:38:21.5* 6:03
24 11/285 MATTIJS VAN MAASAKKE 34 30 CAMBRIDGE RUNNING CL BOSTON MA 2:39:38 2:39:28.0* 6:06
25 6/310 JOE NOONAN 230 42 GREEN MOUNTAIN ATHLE BURLINGTON VT 2:39:57 2:39:52.8* 6:07
26 12/285 JIM PAWLICKI 75 36 CENTRAL MASS STRIDER BEVERLY MA 2:40:04 2:40:01.1* 6:07
27 1/153 MARTIN TIGHE 366 52 TUESDAY NIGHT TURTLE PROVIDENCE RI 2:40:11 2:40:07.3* 6:07
28 7/310 BRIAN RUHM 144 45 GCS - TRIAD RACING T NASHUA NH 2:40:18 2:40:15.0* 6:07
29 8/310 ROBERT LANDRY 221 42 GREATER SPRINGFIELD LUDLOW MA 2:40:21 2:40:19.1* 6:08
30 9/310 KEN TRIPP 79 40 CENTRAL MASS STRIDER AMESBURY MA 2:40:28 2:40:25.0* 6:08
56 4/153 CHARLIE MUSE 223 54 GREATER SPRINGFIELD WILBRHAM MA 2:52:12 2:52:07.5* 6:35
71 26/285 CARLOS RIVERA 225 36 GREATER SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD MA 2:56:31 2:56:27.3* 6:45
185 65/285 MIKE LESCARBEAU 222 39 GREATER SPRINGFIELD AGAWAM MA 3:10:11 3:10:04.0* 7:16
207 73/285 BRIAN WALSH 227 35 GREATER SPRINGFIELD LUDLOW MA 3:12:08 3:11:25.5* 7:19
234 84/285 SANJAY ARWADE 212 36 GREATER SPRINGFIELD AMHERST MA 3:15:26 3:15:16.7* 7:28
408 33/153 NORM FULLER 217 50 GREATER SPRINGFIELD LUDLOW MA 3:27:41 3:26:40.9* 7:54
484 146/285 MIKE GAUVIN 218 35 GREATER SPRINGFIELD LUDLOW MA 3:32:53 3:32:10.5 8:06
994 104/153 DOUG BIELEFELD 214 51 GREATER SPRINGFIELD EAST LONGMEADOW MA 4:02:21 4:01:20.0 9:13
1545 36/36 MIKE PASSMORE 224 62 GREATER SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD MA 5:49:36 5:47:33.2 13:16

2:27:23 2:27:34 2:28:14 (2:34:32) (2:37:21) = 7:23:11

2:24:39 2:24:43 2:37:55 (2:41:41) (2:47:04) = 7:27:17

2:25:04 2:30:09 2:33:42 (2:34:18) (2:36:17) = 7:28:55

2:26:14 2:40:20 2:52:08 (2:56:28) (3:10:04) = 7:58:42

2:33:42 2:36:17 2:40:56 (2:47:53) (3:03:08) = 7:50:55

2:37:21 2:40:25 2:43:04 (2:58:03) (3:07:06) = 8:00:50

2:37:57 2:40:15 2:44:37 (3:10:44) (3:14:26) = 8:02:49

2:40:20 2:52:08 3:26:41 (4:01:20) (5:47:34) = 8:59:09